
Showing posts from July, 2019

First Time Living In Florida

I never imagine that I would be walking the Florida beaches. That was something only in movies I thought. My husband and our children we're content you could say in our use to be home in Michigan. I was working 2 jobs as well as taking on the every day home life with cleaning, cooking, caring for our children, as well as my husband. He as well worked two jobs too trying to provide for our family. We were doing okay not great, but everyone's needs were met. Well one day he gets a call from his sister who lives and works in Florida. She told him he has a job offer if he wants it. My husband calls me up and begins to explain the job offer. I was shocked and I had asked him over and over is she just pulling your leg 😂. I was in disbelief at the moment. The boss wanted to meet with us and talk to us so we all know the GIF of what he would be doing and so forth. Well the boss fly's my husband and I down to Florida to meet and get to know us. First time ever flying for me. I was